Thursday, June 28, 2012


Isn't she bee-yoo-ti-ful? Annie is the daughter of a very dear friend whom I just love. All three of her kids are ridiculously cute and always dressed to the nines. They are the kind of family that make you feel like you just. cannot. get. it. together. But I absolutely adore each and every one of them. We haven't been able to spend much time together over the past few months, so I was thrilled to shoot with them (and of course chat, too!) Look for big brother and sisters on the blog in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What to Wear {June Edition}

Phew! I usually try to post this around the fifteenth of the month but I am behind! I have had lots of sessions with (new!) clients this month and feel blessed to have met so many awesome families. Well, I know first hand that coordinating outfits for everyone is the hardest part of a family session, so here is some inspiration!

Friday, June 15, 2012


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer... woohoo!

This is all I can think of on the last day of school every year.  It is the first scene in High School Musical 2 and as the kids watch the seconds on the clock tick by they start chanting "summer... summer... summer..."  Yes, I have a child of the HSM generation for sure but it just brings back all of those moments of anticipation of what three months off may bring.  So here is to summer of 2012.  I am so excited to spend it with my three babies!  And some of yours as well!
