Thursday, July 7, 2011

Geneva Angels!

Now that you have viewed your session, it is time to order your portraits. Go to and fill out the order form. We have offered several different ways to order for your convenience. You can order portraits as a package or a la carte. We are also currently offering a special order item called a Memory Mate which includes both a team image and an individual image in a collage on an 8x10 print.

The order form is split into three sections depending on what you would like to order. The first section is packages. In the packages please note that you can choose different poses for the different sizes in that package.

Package A: Package B:
1 – 8x10 individual 2 – 8x10 individual
1 – 8x10 team 1 – 8x10 team
2 – 5x7 individuals 2 – 5x7 individuals
8 – wallet individuals 16 – wallet individuals
$32 $45

You can also choose to order items a la carte. You will find the options for a la carte in the second section of the order form. Just fill out the poses you would like as well as the size. We are currently offering the following items a la carte

A la Carte Items
5x7………………………………………………………………….$ 7
8 wallets……………………………………………………$ 7
3” button………………………………………………….$ 8
8x10 magazine cover……………………..$15

In the last section of the order form you will find our special offer on the Memory Mates that were described above.

Special Order
8x10 memory mate (team photo with inset individual photo) …………...$15

Once you submit your order, I will email you an invoice with payment options and directions for pick up. If you have any questions you can email me at .

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